Ramblings From The Road

The ramblings of a rambling runner rambling about running and rambling.

Browsing Posts in General Blogginess

Yup, it’s once again two weeks in to the next month when I get my ass in gear to look back on the prior month and how I’m doing with my 2011 goals.  But May was an awesome month, so it bears looking back on.  So there. Prior Goals Mileage – May; 116 miles.  Pretty […]

I’m certainly not doing too hot on the whole “monthly reflection” of my 2011 goals thing, but two weeks in to May seems like it’s still a perfectly valid day to look back at April.  I’ve been mulling April over a lot, for reasons that will become apparent, and I guess I’m ready to write […]

When I set out in January to keep an eye on my goals, I had planned on doing it monthly.  January, check, but February was pure chaos, so I’m using the close of March (out like a lamb, right?) to reflect on both months and the first 25% of 2011 coming to a close. For […]

Not everyone considers racing an integral part of running. Even amongst people actively trying to improve their performance, not everyone needs a public event to do so in. Others of us, on the other hand, need something to look forward to; something for our training to be in pursuit of; something to be held accountable […]

Setting goals is not practical if you don’t periodically review your progress and whether or not they are still appropriate.  I just gave this speech to a customer yesterday and realized that it applies to me as well.  So, one month in to the year, I’ve decided that it’s as good a time as any […]

‘Tis the Season

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We twa hae run about the braes, and pu’d the gowans fine But we’ve wander’d mony a weary fit, sin auld lang syne. It that time of year when bloggers create lists.  Best of lists, worst of lists, lists of lists, to-do lists, accomplishment lists, resolution lists, and so on and so forth.  They usually […]

Wow.  I’ve let this slide for a while.  Between traipsing1 from the twin cities to Nebraska to Colorado and my starting a new job and, well, Golden being like a huge outdoor playground, it’s been the last thing on my mind.  But not really.  I’ve been frustratingly aware of the fact that I’ve been ignoring […]

Drive to Run?

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A thought has been running through my head for a while, then, a few weeks ago, Scott Jurek tweeted a Running Times blog post by Anton Krupicka, posing questions about driving to a running route.  Essentially; is it wrong to do?  And is it selfish? As you can see from the comments, people’s answers run […]

Crass Consumerism In case you missed it, I live in an RV.  It’s 34 feet long and has lots of storage for an RV, but significantly less storage than, say, your tiny Brooklyn apartment.  Certainly less than your Arizona suburban McMansion.  So my wife and I don’t really buy much “stuff” – and when we […]

Okay, yeah, I’m mixing metaphors here. Technically, me and the marathon are in a trial separation, but thinking more about it and the marathon is really more of my mistress. The training keeps me away from my wife more than I’d like, no matter how amazingly awesome I plan my week. And it’s really the only thing I spend significant amounts of money on other than my wife.