Ramblings From The Road

The ramblings of a rambling runner rambling about running and rambling.

Browsing Posts tagged rambling

Now What?

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And then, in a slow, sauntering flash-bang, it was two thousand and thirteen. Damn. Now what? I’ve got no plan.  I’m not training for anything.  I’ve got no goals.  I have absolutely nothing specific I want to accomplish.  I don’t even know where this post is going to end up, but it’s starting here. Last […]

This probably isn’t going to be the greatest reflection on my 2011 goals, but let’s just get down to it.  The year is over.  And then some.  And I haven’t made any “resolutions” save for a resolution not to make any year-based goals for 2012.  So, before we get to far in to 2012, I’m […]

Random Thoughts


Sometimes I think.  Sometimes those thoughts get too unwieldy to finish.  Even for a blog of self-professed rambling.  So I will sum up. Latkes are yummy.  Especially when you swap up ingredients based on what you have on hand.  I followed my friend Deb’s recipe but swapped out red potatoes 1 and shallots instead of […]

Disclaimer: I had a good time at this race.  If you’re looking for another bitter, Competitor-bashing, rage against Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas, you won’t find it here.  Yes, things went wrong, and I have my critiques, as I do of any event, but overall it was very well run and I had a great […]

This probably isn’t going to be the greatest reflection on my 2011 goals, but let’s just get down to it. Mileage – Holy breaking the consistency, Batman!  After nine solid months consistently above my targeted minimum 104.131456 targeted average for the 2011 kilometer challenge, the taper and recovery of my first marathon in over a year […]

Dig in to any subculture enough, and you’ll find the fanatics.  They come in different flavors – the statistics fanatics, the novelty fanatics, the linguistic fanatics, whatever.  You find them in academic circles, sci-fi and fantasy fan groups that border on cults, actual real life cults, music fans of every genre, professional sports fans, and […]

… and June, July, and August, too. So I slacked a bit on keeping track of goals through the summer.  The first weekend of October seemed like as good a time as any to get back on the goal-seeking pony, so let’s see what’s up with my 2011 goals, eh? Mileage – The first five […]

When I set out in January to keep an eye on my goals, I had planned on doing it monthly.  January, check, but February was pure chaos, so I’m using the close of March (out like a lamb, right?) to reflect on both months and the first 25% of 2011 coming to a close. For […]

Drive to Run?

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A thought has been running through my head for a while, then, a few weeks ago, Scott Jurek tweeted a Running Times blog post by Anton Krupicka, posing questions about driving to a running route.  Essentially; is it wrong to do?  And is it selfish? As you can see from the comments, people’s answers run […]

Okay, yeah, I’m mixing metaphors here. Technically, me and the marathon are in a trial separation, but thinking more about it and the marathon is really more of my mistress. The training keeps me away from my wife more than I’d like, no matter how amazingly awesome I plan my week. And it’s really the only thing I spend significant amounts of money on other than my wife.